Class OrderDiscountCode


This Class represents a dataobject for an Order Discount

Variable Summary
double $Discount
int $Id
int $OrderId
string $Title
string $Type
double $Value
bool $Vat
double $Discount

The actual discount amount given on the Order

int $DiscountId

The id of the Discount of the OrderDiscountCode

int $Id

The id of the OrderDiscountCode

int $OrderId

The id of the Order of the OrderDiscountCode

string $Title

The title of the OrderDiscount of this OrderDiscountCode

string $Type

The type of the OrderDiscountCode ('p' for percentage, 'f' for fixed amount)

double $Value

The value of the OrderDiscountCode (either percentage of fixed amount according to the Type)

bool $Vat

Wether or not the discount code has vat

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